
It only took 5 billion years...

...for me to post again. HAHA

It's not like anyone reads this anyways. I mainly use this blog to vent my feelings though words. I feel like the only way I can truly express myself is through written words. I have a hard time expressing through speech. My parents say I used to stutter as a child and when I try to speak now that I'm older...the stutter sometimes comes back. Either that or I just say a bunch of nonsense. So yeah...no idea why I told all of my potential readers that. :P

If you actually read my pointless blogs...bless you.
I appreciate it :D

I promise to post something interesting soon.


I feel famous

Ever since i joined the Jonas Bros OFC....i've been getting messages saying "Are you the girl in the magazine that went shopping with JB????"
Why yes..yes i am...

It's last summer all over again.

i dont mind.

its nice to be noticed.

i spent half my life invisible so the attention is sorta cool...

but yeah...thanks to those people who made me feel as if I actually exist. =]

Oh yeah...a frequently asked question...
"Do you still keep in touch with them?"
Answer: NO! They wouldnt give their number to someone they spent 2 hours with...

bahaha anyways..yeah....thats it...



Alright, I am the first to admit that I am not "cool". I love Star Wars, Discovery Channel, and video games. I love spelling and grammar. I am a geek and yes, a loser. But...to be called a loser by a baby is just...wow....ok here is what happened....
Church was extra long...Holy Thursday...I was sitting in church being bored. This mother with 3 kids sits in front of us. Two of the kids are little girls. The oldest no older than 2. Well she starts to stare at me. So since I have nothing better to do, I make weird faces at her. She stares at me like I am a freak. Good, that was the intention. Well I make another faces and then...she lifted her hand...and make an "L" shape with her thumb and index finger. YES! SHE CALLED ME A LOSER!!! The nerve!
hahahahah ok...she probably didn't know what she was doing...but it was pretty darn funny...

random story of the day



Tee Hee!

Well today was eventful....I went to the Block in Orange with my cousins. When we got there we saw a crazy amount of teenage girls there. We later found out Ryan Sheckler was there. We just hung out, ate, and did some shopping. I got more charms for my charm bracelet and got the new Faces magazine titled "We Love Nick!" ahahaaha so of course, in the words of Michael Buckley..."I had to have it!".
I also got to ride a mechanical bull! It was wickedly awesome. I fell off right away the first time, but i got a second chance and totally owned. hahaha
See for yourself...

You know whats funny? My sister and I were insanely hyper last night. We were laughing hysterically all night. I dont even remember why hahahhha i think we had too much sugar....



Teenie Trouble

You know what I hate? Teenies who think they know everything. If you don't know what a teenie is, it is a young fan aka a "teenie"bopper who don't know what they are talking about and they insist on making everyone's lives miserable. Teenies are the reason why the Jonas Brothers no longer have open Meet and Greets. Teenies are the reason why it is nearly impossible to get tickets. Teenies are the reason I am so pissed off right now. Not just any teenie, one teenie by the name of kaykaywazhere from youtube. Go ahead and look her up. Here is how it went down...

I have this video on youtube called Jonas Brothers "Hold On" CHIPMUNK STYLE. It was perfectly harmless. It was funny so that is why I posted it. After many angry messages, I put a note on the video that said I am a huge JB fan and it wasn't meant to be mean. So the messages stopped. Well today I got a message from said teenie.
She wrote "you suck! i hate you! why do you make fun of the jonas brothers! what if they made fun of you!"
I responded with "What are you talking about? I never made fun of them! I love them!"
Teenie: oh sure thats why you u made a chipmink version retard. your a fugly bitch
Me: Did you read the description??? IT WAS A FREAKING JOKE! I happen to be a HUGE Jonas Brothers fan! Don't you know that the Jonas Brothers appreciate a sense of humor?LIGHTEN UP!
Teenie: if u havent noticethey also like grils with faces there not AFRAID TO LOOK AT and i do have a sence of humor im not mean i just dont like u cause your a fake jonas brothers fan retard
Me: Excuse me. You have no idea what i look like. I am NOT a fake fan. YOU are. I have been a fan for 2 years. I knew them before "Year 3000". So get that stick out of your butt and grow up. Oh yeah. Learn to spell, you retard.
Teenie: Why dont u get your head out of your ass i have been a fan sience before year 3000 to u slut your probly only 5 anyway so go to hell
Me: You know what? I don't have time to play your ridiculous game. I have enough on my shoulders with college coming up so shut up and quit bugging me with you lame insults. Grow up and get a brain. And learn to take a joke! You freaking teenie!

And then I blocked her and was done with it. In her picture she looked like 10 years old. What the heck is a 10 year old doing on youtube and cussing at people? She needed to chill out. Normally, I am very polite when it comes to these insults. All the other teenies that messaged me, I politely said "I do not hate the Jonas Brothers. I love them and it was a harmless joke." Then they respond with "oh ok sorry." And that's it. But noooo..this teenie had to go 10 steps futher. Just letting any of my potiential readers (if anyone even reads this...) I did not make any of this up. I copied it directly from the messages.

Ok, I am done venting. I really hate teenies.
If you actually read this, I love you! :D